Do you remember being told about your scary childhood stories and imaginary friends as a kid? According to a theory if someone you know has an imaginary friend there’s a 95 percent chance that what they are really seeing is a ghost.
It is said that kids have a much better sixth sense than adults, and due to the amount of energy they give off they always seem to interact or see things that we don’t.
There have been cases and scary stories of kids linking up with imaginary friends that seem strangely real and extremely terrifying. Here we have a list of 10 scary imaginary friends stories told by the children that would literally spook you.
10. Faceless Man

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This one was written by a young mother whose son would talk about a creepy man he would always see in his grandparents’ bedroom. That sounds completely safe and normal, just a guy that nobody knows about hanging out in a bedroom.
It sounds like he has the best of intentions. Well, the little boy said that even though this man was creepy he would talk to him and he seemed nice but he made the boy feel uncomfortable.
Now the mom knew that this couldn’t be a real person but the more and more the little boy talked about him the more the mother’s concerns grew.
It seemed like every time he went over to visit his grandparents he would have an encounter with this creepy man. Eventually, the mom asked what he looked like and the little boy said he didn’t have a face.
That will make it easy to sleep at night, a faceless demon is making pals with your toddler, one of the toughest parts about being a parent is controlling the people your kids are exposed to. Especially when they come for an alternate demonic universe.
9. Michael

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The Reddit user ‘I am not a crazy person’ wrote a story about an invisible boy on the beach named Michael, whom no one could see except a little girl. The girl met him while on a trip with her parents to Florida.
They were all on the beach and she spent the entire day playing with Michael. When it was time to leave she asked if Michael could come with them, her mom thought it was all in her little girl’s head so of course she said yes.
For years she said she would play with Michael and can remember it all vividly. It stayed until one day he said he found his family and was leaving. Was this all in a little girl’s head or was this a ghost who was living with her for years?
8. The Captain
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This story comes right from a child psychiatrist. Some parents brought in their daughter because she was terrified by being in her room whom she called the captain. She described the captain as a tall man with a beard.
And the captain would tell the little girl that when she grew up her job would be killing. This of course scared the hell out of the little girl because she didn’t want to kill anyone. The little girl would cry and tell the captain that she doesn’t want to kill but he would just say, you get used to the killing.
7. Girl in the Closet

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Next, we got what is for sure the creepiest one on the list so far. The story comes from a mom whose daughter would talk about a girl named Kelly who would live in her closet.
Kelly would do pretty normal stuff, the two would play together, and Kelly would sometimes be in a rocking chair, which is a huge ghost red flag, just saying.
It was all nice and normal until one day the mom was watching the Amityville horror and her daughter walked into the room. It was during a scene where a girl was on screen with black pits for eyes and rotting skin.
Her daughter then says, that looks like Kelly, to which the mom responds, Who’s Kelly? And the daughter replies the dead girl who lives in my closet. She probably had a great sleep that night.
6. A Murderer Ghost
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This comes from the sister of a little boy named Jordan. Jordan had an imaginary friend named Roger. According to him, Roger was a family man with 9 kids. Until one day when the little boy announced that Roger was gone as he eliminated his whole family.
Well, that’s a very abrupt end to a friendship. Now this might have just been a kid who didn’t understand the weight of death and slaying your entire family. Or was this the ghost of a crazed man who was left behind after committing a mass murder?
5. Grateful

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A young girl by the name of Ruby was interviewed for a magazine, the article was about imaginary friends. Ruby described her imaginary friend as a girl named Grateful who was pregnant with two kids and had yellow eyelashes which let her see in the dark.
It seemed like a fun character until the article was published and actress Natalie Morales contacted the girl’s mother through Twitter. Gave her details on why this wasn’t an imaginary friend but the ghost of a teen who was murdered.
4. A Family Spirit
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This story was written by R Croli 32, she said her daughter told her story about a tall man who would visit her at night and do the sign of the cross on her forehead.
The creepiness factor got turned up to 11 when she and her daughter were going through some family photos. They came across of picture of the R crolis late grandfather and the little girl said that this was the man that had been visiting her at night.
This is where it gets good, the little girl had never met her great-grandfather before and this was the first time she saw a picture of him. And when this dude was still alive he would do the sign of the cross on all his kid’s foreheads before they went to sleep.
3. Jenny

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Ok, so this one gave me goosebumps. This story is about a single mom and her daughter who have just moved into a new home together. Not long after they’ve got settled the little girl starts playing with an imaginary friend named Jenny.
The kids are in a new place with just her mom so this seems normal. One day this unseen friend named Jenny asks the girl if she can play with the cat in the basement. So she asks her mom and her mom is like of course, why wouldn’t she?
Then the cat went missing like they couldn’t find this little kitty anywhere. A couple days after the cat went missing the little girl told her mom that Jenny wanted to play with her in the basement. The mom was freaked out and of course, said no.
The next day the little girl woke up with scratches all over her body. Considering the graveness of the situation, they did some research into who this Jenny girl was and they found out that Jenny had gone missing in the basement a long time ago. This was spooky as hell so the two quickly moved out and put the house on the market.
2. The Bunny Man
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This story comes from a girl who said when she was 16 she would babysit kids who were terrified of a thing they called the bunny man. On more than one occasion the the twins would start screaming, claiming that he was in the room with them.
Sometimes the other twin could sense that his brother was in trouble and tell the babysitter to go help. Now this might have just been a prank to scare to crap out of a 16-year-old girl who was just trying to make a little money.
But she said that when they would claim to see him they would be terrified often crying. So what do you think?
1. Mr. Man

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You may have heard of this one it was a pretty famous story on Reddit. It comes from a guy who said when he was 5 he would be visited by a figure a few times a week when he would go to bed.
He was a tall man, dressed in all black, he was bald and had a frowning face. This figure would never hurt him but would just kinda float over his bed like a creepy roommate, the one day he just vanished.
It wasn’t until years later when the boy was all grown up that Mr. Man made his return the man saw the shadowy figure staring at him through a doorway and then the figure’s ghost powers to swing the door shut.
So do you have any scary stories of your childhood imaginary friends?