We’re at our most vulnerable when asleep, which explains why these most horrifying sleep demons and ghosts wait until we’ve drifted off to pounce.
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Wait, were you trying to sleep? Just be glad it’s me with the related topic and not some malicious entity looking to terrorize you in your dreams.
Sleep paralysis is the most frightening phenomenon that can happen to us during our sleep. And if there are demons and ghosts that appears during your sleep paralysis, then it’s bye-bye!
Since you won’t be sleeping anytime soon, let’s go through the list of 10 types of sleep demons and ghosts in different cultures to help keep you awake.
10. Alp, Germany

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Donning its Tarnkappe, or magical hat, the Alp has been compared to the common vampire or incubus. Generally a male spirit, the Alp draws power from its hat and uses it to infest the dreams of women that it visits late at night.
Evidently, Alps have been described as being the spirit of recently deceased men, a sinful pregnant woman, or of a woman who ate food that a dwarf spit on.
Alps can also be birthed by women who perform rude gestures while pregnant.
When not in its normal, horrific form, the Alp appears as either a cat, dog, pig, or snake and enters its victim through its mouth to manifest nightmares.
9. Pasikdar, India

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In Kashmiri mythology, an invisible creature Pasikdar, the guardian of the house, has been directly linked to sleep paralysis.
Believers in this unseen entity think that the fiend is already present in everybody’s home and guards the family from any evil that may befall them.
However, it is believed that it may attack the people in their sleep by strangling them if the house is left unclean or if the family fails to worship God.
It’s also believed that an evil version of Pasikdar visits people who get pleasure from the misfortune of others.
8. The Oily Man, Malaysia

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The Oily Man, or Orang Minyak of Malay folklore, is a devilish being with one primary target – unmarried girls.
He doesn’t attack during the day, though, and instead focuses on visiting these helpless vixens as they sleep. His oily skin is said to be the product of a deal he made with the devil.
However, beyond his shiny black skin, Orang Minyak is completely bald and sports fiery red eyes. He stands over his victims as they sleep, paralyzing them should they stir awake.
They’re left in state of panic as they struggle to determine whether they’re really awake or stuck in a nightmare. When the Oily Man vanishes, he leaves behind a black cross on the forehead of his victim.
7. Pesanta, Spain

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One common factor in sleep paralysis is the feeling like something is sitting on your chest. In Catalan, that symptom is explained as the Pesanta, an oversized nightmare canine that’s black and hairy with steel paws.
Likewise, Pesanta is said to enter his victim’s homes and sit on their chests, impeding their ability to breathe. As they struggle for air, the devilish pooch enhances the terror by bestowing upon them horrific nightmares.
Lore claims you can place a broom next to your bed or spread a millet around your bedroom to prevent the Pesanta from entering.
6. The Domovoi, Russia

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When it comes to beasts that disrupt our sleep, the Domovoi of Slavic mythology is possibly the tamest of them all.
This mischievous house spirit doesn’t wish to do harm by causing sleep paralysis or by sucking the energy from its victims while they sleep.
Instead, when it prefers a family to leave the house, it will give them a pinch in their sleep. It’s often not enough to wake them up, but when the Domovoi really wants the house to be empty, it’ll be a painful sensation.
5. Nocnitsa, Poland

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The night hag of Poland, this nightmare spirit is known to sit on her victim’s chests and draw energy directly from them.
Similar to a vampire, she feeds on people, but instead of fear, she goes after that which keeps us alive.
She won’t outright kill her victim but instead will drain them mercilessly almost to a point of no return before stopping.
The hag will return night after night in search of that delicious life force. The only known way to escape her is to fight back and prove that you’re not an easy meal.
4. Ogun Oru, Nigeria

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In the Southwest region of Nigeria, when a person complains of having difficulties sleeping due to the presence of a demonic force, they’re said to have Ogun Oru.
The condition is described as being related to instances of a demonic force that infiltrates the body and alters the psyche, creating nightmares where there once were pleasant dreams.
Those who suffer under the presence of the Ogun Oru are relieved only through prayers or other traditional rituals.
3. Kanashibari, Japan

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Associated with sleep paralysis in Japan, Kanashibari translates to “bound up with metal,” a fitting name for such a paralyzing spirit.
Kanashibari is said to manifest when a person is possessed and can only be dispelled through the use of a Shugenja, or priest, who recites Buddhist sutras to drive away the unwanted spirit.
Like most sleep monsters, victims of Kanashibari are said to wake up with a crushing weight on their chest.
2. Batibat, Philippines

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In the darkest lore of Ilocano culture is the Batibat, an ancient vengeful spirit that takes the shape of a freakishly obese, tree-dwelling ghost.
The Batibat is one of the few sleep spirits that can cause death, which it brings in the form of a nocturnal disease known as Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome, or SUNDS.
The condition is also called bangungut, or the Filipino word for “nightmare.” It’s thought that Batibat appears as an old, overweight woman who sits on the chest of her victims, suffocating them to death.
She resides in trees and exacts vengeance upon those who disturb her home.
1. Mare, Europe

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Pulled from Germanic and Slavic folklore, a mare is a malicious spirit or goblin that’s directly associated with bringing terrible dreams to people while they sleep.
The Mare isn’t a danger to people, though it will sit upon their chests and fill their heads with horrific imagery and nightmares.
Mares are the physical embodiment of our nightmares and the reason some of us will have difficulties falling asleep come nightfall tonight.
So have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Any sleep demons and ghosts that haunted you during that phase? Comment below.