After watching a horror movie and looking at the signs of haunting in it, we usually wonder if, by any chance, our house is also haunted by ghosts.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable being alone? Even in the safety of your own house, we’ve all had that feeling like we’re being watched, that something else is with us.
Yet, it feels unexplainable. You might think that it’s just your mind playing tricks on you, or there might be something else with you, following you, haunting you.
Here are 10 signs that your house is definitely haunted by ghosts.
10. A Feeling of Being Watched

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Trust your instincts because, when your gut is telling you that something’s on the other side of that door that you’re about to open.
Or that an entity is watching you from the dark corner, it might just be onto something. We will never know until something weird happens out of the blue.
One of the most basic signs that you’re being haunted is quite simple, that you feel it. This is especially true when you find yourself having that eerie feeling frequently in a particular area of your building.
Often, before things start moving or apparitions begin appearing. This is the first piece of evidence that is a tingle in your brain that says that you’re not alone.
Keep in mind that, just because something might be watching you, it doesn’t mean that that thing is hostile. Often, investigators note that whatever’s haunting a location is as fascinated or even as scared of the living as we are of, well, them.
9. Electronic Devices Malfunctioning

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Turning on and off, flickering lights, and interfering with other signals are so common a sign of paranormal activity. Spirits have been known to affect any electronics surrounding them, resulting in truly creepy occurrences.
From a flashlight going on and off by itself to actual white noise communication through a television or a radio receiver.
It’s been theorized that ghosts create magnetic fields, either when they manifest themselves or simply by spending enough time in a single location.
Some experts believe that magnetic interference can affect the human brain, causing us to hallucinate any ghostly encounters we experience within a haunted building.
Still, I ask you, is there a difference between a spirit terrorizing you as a dead person or your own radiated brain?
8. Unknown Smells
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When you hear a building’s haunted, you imagine eerie sights or sudden terrifying noises that scare the wits out of you. But often it isn’t a visual or auditory manifestation that draws our attention to the presence of a paranormal entity, but instead a smell.
Ghosts have been known to bring with them a number of scents. The spirits of fallen soldiers may be accompanied by a smell of gunpowder, or the ghost of a debutante brings with her the distinct odor of her perfume.
The spirits may not be intentionally giving off the smell but die surrounded by it and are giving it off accidentally. However, on occasion, the smell that accompanies an apparition is the smell of death itself.
7. Sudden Temperature Changes

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One of the most common signs that a building is haunted is the existence of cold spots. Cold spots can be large enough to take up an entire room or so small that a person realizes it’s only thereafter passing all the way through it.
Exactly why ghosts create cold spots is unknown, but the most popular theory is that they require a lot of energy to interact with either us or our surroundings.
This energy is pulled from the environment around them, sapping the heat from the air nearby. It’s also been reported that, right before a physical or visual manifestation of a ghost, the general temperature of a room decreases.
Basically, the colder it gets, the closer the ghost is to you, or the more likely it is that the ghost is angry and about to really make itself known.
6. Whispers
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Sometimes, discovering your home is haunted is as easy as just being quiet for a moment and listening to a ghost speak. They might be speaking to you, to each other, or it could be their last words echoing through the afterlife.
Some people have reported hearing whispers and soft voices that are barely audible, while others have actually heard loud shouts and threats directed towards them.
Imagine sitting there, watching this very video, and suddenly hearing a ghost shout out right beside you to get out. Pretty terrifying, right?
It’s possible that those voices that you were certain were coming from the street outside or from the apartment next door aren’t coming from a living source at all, and are, in fact, the soft whispers of the dead trying to converse with you. So, listen now and keep your ears open.
5. Doors Opening and Closing

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A common sign that you’re not alone in your home or apartment is the opening and closing of doors. Usually, this involves finding a door wide open that you’re sure that you’ve closed or perhaps even locked.
It can be a room’s door, a closet, or even a cupboard. Exactly why a ghost would need to open something is unknown; odds are they’re completely incorporeal.
However, some suggest this might be a spirit, who doesn’t know they’re dead, going about a cognitive function.
In this case, opening a door to walk through it opening cupboards or closets to search through them.
More often than not, the door is simply discovered open, but poltergeists have been known to open and close doors right in front of the very people that they’re terrorizing, this, either by slowly letting them creak open or slamming them suddenly.
4. Objects Disappearing
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Has this ever happened to you? You set something down, turn to do something else, and then turn back, to find that the item you just had is gone?
You search all around you and can’t find it, but then minutes later it’s right there where you left it, as if you completely overlooked it.
Is it your mind, or did the spirit haunting your home just make itself known? Items vanishing happen so commonly that it has its own scientific name.
Disappearing object phenomenon, or DOP, is when something you were just using or something that is always kept in the same place, suddenly goes missing, only to return later on.
It can be explained by absent-mindedness, but many believe it’s a borrower taking the item for its own reasons before returning it to its rightful place. Who knows, maybe your key shave actually crossed into another dimension.
3. Pets Acting Oddly

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Dogs and cats have incredible senses, so, if ghosts are real and one’s in your home with you, it might be a four-legged friend that catches onto its presence first.
Have you ever noticed your pet moving their eyes around as if following something that you can’t see yourself? How about suddenly barking or hissing at an empty corner?
Or, absolutely refusing to go into a certain room only to willingly enter moments later? People have even been known to borrow other people’s pets just to see if they sense anything in their homes.
Interestingly, it’s not just cats and dogs that can apparently interact with spirits. There have even been birds that have been known to panic in the presence of ghosts.
Also, there have been stories of parrots repeating the words spoken to them from unseen and otherwise unheard sources.
2. Physical Interaction

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Imagine you wake up suddenly, only to find an unseen force is holding you down, or you’re descending a staircase alone, but suddenly you’re being pushed down the last few steps.
These scenarios might sound crazy but they’ve been reported by hundreds of people around the world.
For a ghost to physically interact with you would probably be one of the most terrifying moments of your entire life, but, if the spirit living in your home happens to be a poltergeist, physical interaction might be an understatement.
Poltergeists have been known to hit, kick, scratch, push, or even bite those that they haunt. There have even been reports of people having large things thrown at them, being dragged several meters down hallways, or even held up in the air.
If you are being haunted by ghosts, pray that they aren’t the signs of a poltergeist in your house. In fact, check yourself right now. Do you feel that?
1. Seeing a Ghost

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The absolute, most certain of the signs that you and your house are being haunted by ghosts is obviously if the spirit actually appears before you. This can occur in a number of ways.
The apparition could be acting out one of the last actions that they made before their demise, unaware that you’re witnessing them do it at all.
Perhaps, you’ll spot one standing by a fireplace, trying to get warm, or rocking in an old chair, knitting. The ghost could also be seeking you out, approaching you to warn or scare you, or, in extremely rare cases, conversing with you.
Sometimes ghosts will appear motionless, standing in your peripheral vision as if they’re curious about something.
Some paranormal experts claim that manifesting a visible form takes a lot of energy, so if you see a ghost, it’s likely because they’re very motivated or very angry.
You can also read the haunted signs of the types of ghosts that might be haunting you and your house right now and you aren’t aware of it.
are ghosts and evil elementals the same?
Yeah, this confirms it, my home is definitely haunted. We’ve had pretty much every sign, though I’m the only one who converses with the dead while awake.
My little cat, we’ve only had him since August, has been chasing his “siblings” (the spirits of my rats and hamsters who passed before we got him), and has been scared out of rooms by them.
The family dog starts growling and barking at random.
My parents had parts of the vegetable steamer thrown at them by an unseen force.
The kid sibling and I have both ensured our bedroom doors were shut (they have rabbits in their room, I had rats in mine, and our older cats are roaming), and we’ve returned to the house, which we’d left empty and been the last ones out, and the doors would be wide open. The doorknobs are round and nearly impossible for us to use as it is, the cats are physically incapable of opening them.
One of the aforementioned rats, A, lost her twin sister, E, in March 2023, it devastated her, and a few days before she passed away herself, I have a picture of her sleeping with her tiny arm out, as if she was holding her sister, just like they slept while E was still with us. The younger girl was eating in a corner. A few days after that picture, June 2nd 2023, A went to join E. A is one of the regular ghosts now, she loves to visit and even brings her siblings home with her. The younger girl often comes back just to drink water and run around the empty cage.
Things go missing or move so often in this house, it’s kind of bizarre. One of them dropped a pack of toilet wipes next to the dog and the thud startled all of us. There was no way for them to fall, they were too far from the edge of the counter they were on and too steady. They keep messing about with the lights, too. And they keep bringing about the smells of mustiness, perfume, or things they liked while alive.
One of the ghosts is a family member who also passed this year, and this person showed up in my bathroom a few days after they passed, then a few days after that, in my bedroom for a chat to pass info on to the family still on this side. This is the ghost we believe has been throwing old clocks, bringing in a very familiar smell, chucking things about to get our attention, and hilariously when they had it, telling me exactly what they thought of what was being said. This ghost has also spoken to their living spouse via a professional medium.
We’ve also had wasps and flies buzzing around us since then, way more than usual for the summer, and that continued into late October, when it started to get freezing cold. My little cat is scared of them, so he sits and watches them flying around, showing me where they are, and waiting for me to spray them with insecticide instead of trying to catch them.