Types Of Ghosts Haunting In Your House

types of ghosts haunting

Have you ever felt like you’re being watched when you’re all alone? Maybe you’re not. There are certain types of ghosts in your house that might be haunting you right now and you don’t have any idea.

Many people attribute these things to natural occurrences, but what if there’s something else? But how do you explain those strange sounds you hear late at night in your house when you’re alone?

What if a supernatural entity is watching you, following you, and potentially wishing you harm right now? Well, you’re about to find out.

Here are 10 types of ghosts in your house that could be haunting you right now.

10. Animal Ghost

Animal Ghost (Angel Luciano/Unsplash)

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A soft growl comes from the other side of your bedroom door, a pair of small glowing eyes from the corner of the room that seems feline.

These are signs that the paranormal creatures that are haunting you are not dead human, but in fact, a dead animal. These types of ghosts might be haunting your house and you aren’t even aware of that.

9. The Messenger

Those creaks, knocks, and whispers, items that seem to move on their own, and the odd glimpse of something moving out of the corner of your eye may not be a malevolent spirit but a ghost who wants to communicate with you.

The trouble is, that can often make the Messenger apparition even more terrifying. Messengers are the types of ghosts in your house haunting you desperately if they have something to convey.

They are eager to get your attention and will manifest itself in any way it feels necessary to ensure that it gets the attention to give you the message.

Some paranormal experts claim that it takes a ghost a long time to become accustomed to his or her new powers, which is especially frustrating for them when they have an important message for someone who’s living.

And as the spirit gets more upset, it can act out, destroying your belongings or even scaring you.

9. Etheric Revenants

Etheric Revenants (Edilson Borges/Unsplash)

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Do you ever feel suddenly sluggish or have trouble keeping your eyes open at all times? It could be natural exhaustion or it could be the work of a malicious spirit that’s sapping your life from you.

One of the most dangerous ghosts you can be haunted by is also, luckily for the human race, one of the rarest. Etheric Revenants are often compared to vampires of legend, mostly due to the fact that they feed off the energy of the living.

Those who are in influence of these creatures will go through waves of drowsiness and will wake from a full night’s sleep feeling like they haven’t slept a wink.

The few people who have seen them up close and lived to tell the tale, describe them as cold, black shadows without humanoid shapes.

People claimed looking directly at these types of ghosts in their house haunting them was like looking into a black hole, a place devoid of life. So if you ever feel tired after a full night’s sleep, now you may know why.

7. Residual Haunter

Residual Haunting (phmaxiestevez/Pixabay)

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There’s an old saying that claims history repeats itself, but for residual hauntings, that saying is a reality.

These types of ghosts in your house are trapped in an endless time loop, continuously living through the last moments of their tragic lives and haunting you endlessly.

The hauntings occur almost exclusively in places where horrible, traumatic events took place that wound up costing the ghost their life.

Often, the apparitions have no idea they’re dead, simply acting out the final moments of their lives, as terrified living humans watch or listen to them.

If you ever find yourself waking up at the same time each night and you hear something like stairs creaking or doors closing, it may be an unseen spirit beginning its routine, unaware of what they’re about to experience.

When you hear of a lady or a man in some distinct attire, they are likely residual hauntings.

6. Shadow People

Shadow People (Adriannesquick/Pixabay)

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Have you ever spotted something moving in the shadows of your peripheral vision, only to see nothing when you turn to look directly at it?

Do you feel eyes staring at you from the dark corners of your home, or sense something sneaking up behind you, only to find nothing there?

If so, you probably have a shadow person or similar types of ghosts that are one of the most widely entities present in your house haunting you.

Shadow people are seemingly incredibly patient apparitions, remaining in the darkness most of the time, either motionless or slowly drawing nearer to the person that they’re staring at.

The most common image people witness is a tall man with a big hat. Rarely do these creatures communicate in any way, but many of those that have faced them alone claim they know that the shadow people have malicious intentions.

5. Fetch

Fetch (frompasttofuture/Unsplash)

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After someone close to you dies, it’s not uncommon for you to feel their presence, even watching over you as you try to fall asleep. The thing is, sometimes that spirit staring at you isn’t your loved one at all, but a mysterious entity called a Fetch.

Fetches are essentially ghostly doppelgangers that take on the appearance of the recently or soon-to-be dead.

These types of ghosts are describe as a spitting image of the human that the haunted knows in real life, only much quieter and they give off an eerie, ominous feeling in your house while haunting you.

If you ever spot a living person you know well standing in a dark corner of your home, but you know they cannot physically be there, then it might be a good idea to call them and warn them.

If a Fetch appears as a living person, then odds are, death is coming for whomever they resemble very soon.

4. Dybbuk

Dybbuk (Tahiro Achoub/Unsplash)

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The next time you look into a mirror, make sure it’s you staring back and not the spirit slowly starting to possess your body.

A Dybbuk is the malicious ghost of a dead person, usually with some unfinished business that they believe is so vital that they will take over a living body and go about completing it.

Some stories about these creatures speak of the Dybbuk following the victim around, whispering curses or threats to weaken the target’s willpower and make them easier to take over.

If you determine someone you know is possessed by a Dybbuk, the only way to save them is to perform an exorcism, help them fulfill their horrible objective, or find a way to convince them the task is already complete.

But be careful, these types of ghosts in your house will not just be haunting you but could simply jump into you.

3. Bogeyman

Bogeyman (DangrafArt/Pixabay)

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Do you ever feel that something evil is hiding in your bedroom? Or you’re too susceptible to open your closet that you couldn’t put your clothes away? If so, you might have a Bogeyman watching you.

Though you may shrug the Bogeyman off as just a scary story that adults tell children in an attempt to make them behave, there are far too many real-world claims of the shadowy figure emerging from closets or under beds to ignore.

Generally, these types of ghosts appear as masculine figures, but you could also encounter female and androgynous entities if they are in your house haunting you.

Bogeymen prefer to steal away misbehaving children, but older people have vanished too, never to be seen again. Apparently, the Bogeyman likes to watch its victims, scaring them for days or weeks before suddenly bursting forth and attacking.

2. Poltergeist

Poltergeist (Waldkunst/Pixabay)

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A Poltergeist is the last kind of spirit you want to face. If you’ve ever suddenly awoke due to loud bangs, moving objects, or physical interactions with your body, you may be dealing with one of these terrifying creatures.

Poltergeist is German for noisy ghost, but the sounds they make, while still terrifying, are not what you should be most worried about.

If these types of ghosts are haunting you, you may find cuts, bruises, and even bite marks on your body that you don’t remember receiving, but things only get more dangerous and crazy from there.

These things don’t haunt your home, they haunt you. No matter how fast you run or where you go, these types of ghosts will follow you, hurling things from silverware to couches around to make sure that you stay scared in your own house.

1. Brownies

Brownies (swreg03/unsplash)

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Just because a ghost is helpful, doesn’t mean it’s not terrifying when you realize you’re living with one. Creatures of Scottish and English folklore known as Brownies, are household spirits that resemble hobgoblins.

They make themselves known to you by stealing small amounts of food from your kitchen and helping do small tasks. If you’ve ever come across a completed chore, but don’t remember doing it, you may have a Brownie in your home.

Additionally, the feeling that you’re being watched, even in the middle of the day, but with no apparent source, could be a sign, especially if you’ve just opened the fridge door.

Whatever you do, don’t offend these tiny spirits, as they can take revenge in terrifying ways, hurling things around and haunting you in similar ways to poltergeists.

So, have you encountered anyone of these types of ghosts in your house who might be haunting you right now?

1 thought on “Types Of Ghosts Haunting In Your House”

  1. I deal with ghosts on a daily event. I have had so much experience I must be a specialist. Great article!!!!!!

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