Ghost Freaks

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Content by Ghost Freaks

10 Fearsome Creatures From North American Folklore

Let’s discover the world of North American folklore, teeming with captivating tales of mythical creatures, enigmatic monsters, and hidden cryptids. North America is a region with hundreds of strange and unique creatures, including legends of cryptid monsters lurking in the forests, deep lakes, and coastal waters. From lakes to forests, to even in towns and […]

10 Mysterious Graves in the World That Hide Incredible Secrets

Did you know that there are mysterious graves that hide incredible secrets, unfathomable secrets, and chilling legends? Each grave and tomb is unique and has an intriguing story behind it that has captured the imagination of people around the world. So get ready to explore together and discover the chilling stories behind the 10 mysterious […]

The Chillingly Unsolved Hinterkaifeck Murders

Amid rural Germany, a small farm by the name of Hinterkaifeck would become the unlikely center of attention for the gruesome murders that remain chillingly unsolved. On the evening of March 31st, 1922, disaster struck a small Bavarian farmstead about 43 miles north of Munich, Germany. The six inhabitants of the farm were brutally murdered […]

10 Weird Funerals, Customs & Rituals Across The World

From weird funerals to unconventional burial practices, you’ll be perplexed to see the degree of strange customs and rituals that people honor the departed. Here are 10 of the creepiest funerals and customs worldwide, as we delve into the weird and unusual ways different cultures bid farewell to their loved ones. 10. Famadihana (Dancing with […]

Leonarda Cianciulli – The Human Soap Maker of Correggio

Leonarda Cianciulli, also known as the Soap-Maker of Correggio, has certainly worked her way into the serial killer hall of infamy just for her deranged originality. Imagine this: One day your neighbor, a loving mother and good friend, invites you for cake and coffee. You accept the offer and are greeted with some sweet-tasting cakes. […]

Spring Heeled Jack: The Terror of London

In Victorian England, a mysterious madman dubbed “Spring-heeled Jack” stalked the streets assaulting random citizens and performing seemingly supernatural feats. Was he just an urban legend, or is there some truth behind the reported sightings? Did you ever fear the boogeyman as a kid? That mysterious figure that hid inside closets or under beds whose […]

10 Most Haunted Islands In The World

There’s something about islands that make them the perfect setting for ghost stories and tales of haunted places. Maybe it’s the isolation, the rugged terrain, or the often tragic histories that many islands have. Whatever the reason, some islands are known for their histories, myths, and legends that have made these islands infamous for their paranormal activity persisting for centuries. Related […]

10 Spine-Chilling Creatures From Malaysian Mythology

Malaysian mythology has some hair-raising creatures, demons, and ghosts that have delved deep into the mystical tales and legends throughout. There are some intriguing creatures that roam the Malaysian forests and the mythology that have been passed down through generations. While the Southeast Asian Malays passed down incredible fables, epics, and bardic tales across generations, […]

10 Nightmarish Ghost Pictures You Have To Look At Twice

Ghosts? Entities? Supernatural? These real ghost sightings and unexplained things hidden in pictures will leave you stunned! From a possible mysterious sighting to creepy footage that might show a ghost caught on camera, we look at 10 chilling ghost pictures caught on camera that you must look at twice. 10. The Monk Related article:- 10 […]

10 Creepy Pictures On The Internet That Will Haunt You

It’s once again the time to give in to fear as we gaze upon some creepy pictures that have secrets hidden inside their depths. Can you imagine taking a happy photo and then later finding out that there’s something strange behind you, although you don’t see it? Whether they’re staged photographs capturing an intentional eeriness […]

10 Abandoned Hospitals That Are Freakishly Haunted

Once intended to heal and provide comfort from afflictions, these hospitals have suffered from the persistent disease of time when they were left abandoned. Some of these abandoned hospitals have scary tales surrounding them involving ghosts and other paranormal entities. Their empty hallways and decrepit rooms carry with them the painful memories of the dying […]

10 Scariest Abandoned Houses With A Dark History

Most people are fascinated by abandoned houses, buildings, towns, and so forth. For many of us, abandoned houses and the energies they hold peak our interest. What are the scariest abandoned houses around where you live? Have you ever walked through an abandoned house before? Let’s look at 10 of the scariest abandoned houses in the world. 10. Miner’s […]

10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries That Baffle The World

There is something about the mysterious and unknown that fascinates us all. While some of the stories on our list may be hoaxes or fables, there may be enough evidence to speculate otherwise. Here is our pick of 10 creepy unsolved mysteries. 10. Oakville Blobs Related article:- 10 mystifying parallel universe stories that are hard […]

10 Scariest Sleep Demons & Ghosts To Give You Sleepless Nights

We’re at our most vulnerable when asleep, which explains why these most horrifying sleep demons and ghosts wait until we’ve drifted off to pounce. Related article:- What is sleep paralysis and nightmares? Read it’s causes and treatment Wait, were you trying to sleep? Just be glad it’s me with the related topic and not some […]

10 Mystifying Parallel Universe Stories

You may have read a few parallel universe stories or even seen a series or a movie about this topic. So do parallel universes really exist? Originated by physicist Hugh Everett in the late 1950s, the parallel universe theory envisions infinite other universes that branch off each nano-second, containing different outcomes, all without intersecting with […]

10 Kids with Chilling Past Life Stories: Is Rebirth Real?

Have you heard past life stories? If you’ve ever spoken to a kid who seems mature for their age, you’ve wondered, are you an “old soul”? Have they been here before? That’s surely what the parents of these 10 kids with chilling past life stories thought, before discovering what lurked behind their children’s wisdom! 10. Fly Like a […]

10 Most Haunted Objects In The World That Are Truly Cursed

We all have a taste for the supernatural, good stories, folklore, legends, cursed, haunted objects, and everything. But what if there were something sinister to it? Related article:- 10 scariest places in the world you won’t dare to go alone What if the tale is about something tangible, something that’s not a figment of an […]

10 Creepy Historical Pictures That Will Give You The Chills

From man-made disasters to evil science experiments to macabre stuffs, these creepy historical pictures and their equally disturbing backstories plumb the depths of human history’s dark side. Related article:- 7 chilling Victorian Era facts that are actually true Since the first camera was invented, they’ve given us the power to document everything that we see. […]

10 Scariest Places In The World You Won’t Dare To Go Alone

An obsession with the unknown drives many travelers to the scariest places in the world. Sometimes it’s an abandoned place with a macabre past, and sometimes a quiet cryptic location haunted by the tormented souls of those already departed. Related article:- 10 creepiest abandoned amusement parks you should definitely visit We may live in an amazing […]

10 Crazy Superstitions and Myths Across The Globe

Do you believe in superstitions and myths in your culture? The modern dictionary defines superstition as a belief in something beyond reason, an irrational fancy of sorts. It comes from the Latin word ‘superstitio’, which can mean an excessive fear of Gods. That doesn’t mean that every time you crack a mirror, you must repent […]

10 Creepiest Abandoned Amusement Parks You Should Visit

When you hear of haunted places, abandoned amusement parks usually aren’t the first that come to mind. Unless you’re really into Zombieland, then maybe the connection is already there. For most people, amusement parks are for fun, abandoned haunted houses are for getting scared and that’s all there is to it. But today, those people […]