Some of the most haunted hotels around the world are not only rich in history but they’re also said to be home to some of the most restless spirits. Each of these hotels is known for having a haunted hotel room, and some of them even have secrets that are still being hidden.
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These hotels continue to attract visitors from all over the world offering a glimpse into the past and a chance to encounter the unknown.
Here are the 10 most haunted hotels in the world. If you’re brave enough to stay at one of these hotels, be sure to be careful!
10. The Red Lion Inn – Stockbridge, Massachusetts
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This Massachusetts inn has one specific room that’s bound to give you the creeps. Guests continue to report sightings of a couple of particular ghosts – a young girl carrying flowers, and a man wearing a top hat.
Whether they’re together, related, or even lived in the same era is completely unknown. Guests report feeling of an unknown presence in the room.
The room 301 and dark presence inside it is the reason why supernatural junkies can’t get enough of it, making it a favorite in this part of the country.
9. Dalhousie Castle – Scotland

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A Scottish Hotel, for those who wish to add to your ghost travels. This castle’s history goes all the way back to the 13th century – as do its ghosts.
The most notorious, Sir Alexander Ramsay, who allegedly starved to death, was held by William Douglas and never left the premises. There’s also the Grey Lady, who is supposed to be the ghost of Lady Catherine haunting the castle dungeon.
Those brave enough to take the tour will be treated to the top of the ‘bottle dungeon’, a gruesome, windowless cell where prisoners were lowered in by a rope – you can still see the rope marks worn into the stonework.
8. Queen Anne Hotel – San Francisco, California
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Taking it back to San Francisco, we head to the Queen Anne Hotel, which has gone through a few different uses.
Once, a finishing school for girls, led by headmistress Miss Mary Lake, who, from the sounds of it, couldn’t bear to leave her girls after passing away.
Her ghost is said to hang around room 401, covering sleeping travelers with blankets and unpacking their suitcases. If you’re going to go to one of the most haunted hotels, it’s truly hard to beat this one. You don’t even have to tip her!
7. Ross Castle – Ireland

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Ah, another jump across the pond and we’re at the Ross Castle in County Meath, Ireland. Previously a castle, it’s now a bed and breakfast with an added bonus of being scary.
Legend says that the daughter of the English Lord and owner of the castle, known as Black Baron, walks through the halls of the castle quite frequently.
Her father, on the other hand, walks the grounds of the castle. Given that they won’t even go near each other, it sounds like the relationship, and the castle has some bad blood.
6. Green Park Inn – Blowing Rock, North Carolina
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This historic hotel reminds me of The Shining. Since its opening in the 1880s, it has hosted parties and gatherings of all sorts, and it seems like some of its guests might have liked the place a little too much.
It’s one of the registered Historic Hotels of America and was visited by celebrities and wealthy people of many eras. From John D. Rockefeller to Annie Oakley and Eleanor Roosevelt, it was a cool place to go.
Now, though, many employees say the sounds of the past can often be heard in the halls and rooms of the hotel. Children playing, piano melodies made by no one.
Ghost hunters have visited in the past and are still intrigued by what could be lurking in the lonely halls of the Green Park Inn. Truly one of the most haunted hotels around.
5. The Myrtles Plantation – St. Francisville, Louisiana

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Any former plantation is bound to have so much suffering, depression, and leftover vibrations of abuse. The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana, frequently shows off its ghostly characters not just in person, but also in photos.
The most frequently-seen ghost is Chloe, who people say was an enslaved woman in the 1800s, who was assaulted regularly by the owner.
When he found a new victim, Chloe feared she’d be banned from the house and forced to do hard labor. So she tried to make the judge’s children sick so she could care for them.
Instead, the children were accidentally poisoned to death. The other slaves feared the judge would suspect all of them of being complicit in the murder so they dragged her out of bed and murdered her by hanging, then throwing her in the river.
4. Omni Parker House – Boston, Massachusetts
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Boston, we all imagine, is the home of infinite hauntings. It’s old, it’s historic, and the Omni Parker House Hotel there is no exception.
Harvey Parker, who built the place in 1927, is allegedly still haunting the place. Charles Dickens even stayed there for extended periods of time on the third floor.
Now, the elevator is mysteriously seen heading to the 3rd floor entirely on its own. If that were all, perhaps it’d be just curious, more than anything else, but it’s not.
The 10th floor also has a spook of its own. A room where a rocking chair is heard moving with no person sitting in it. The worst part? The hotel has no rocking chairs onsite.
3. Algonquin Hotel – New York City, New York

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A very sophisticated and elegant building, the Algonquin Hotel, located in New York City, was designed by Goldwin Starrett and opened in 1902.
All seems grand, right? That’s about as good as the story gets. Many guests have claimed to have been visited by ghosts during their visit to the hotel.
Once, a photograph flew off the wall, not falling, and shattered upon impact. Another guest took the elevator to his room on the ninth floor at almost 2 a.m.
While he was walking to his room he heard footsteps coming up the stairwell. The sound got closer and closer but when he looked, there was no one on the stairs. If you’re into that sort of thing, consider the Algonquin Hotel for your next haunted, sleepless vacation.
2. The Shanley Hotel, NY, United States
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Not everyone knows about one of the most haunted hotels in the world. The Shanley Hotel will give you the creeps, and all because of the paranormal activity that keeps recurring there.
Most of the members of the Shanley family perished unexpectedly and their restless spirits are said to be lingering around the hotel.
But that’s not all, the hotel is famous for cupboards flying open at night, lights flickering, shadowy figures in dark corridors, and eerie laughter.
In this hotel you have to sign a waiver for the gruesome hauntings happening inside the premises and yes, the Ouija board is strictly banned!
1. Crescent Hotel – Eureka Springs, Arkansas

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Regarded as the most haunted hotel in America, this hotel is actively haunted and it knows it. Since its 1886 opening, it’s been a resort, conservatory, and cancer hospital with a fraudulent doctor, and year after year it just keeps asking to get haunted.
Guests know when they stay at the Crescent Hotel, a good night’s sleep is hardly guaranteed. There are reports of over a dozen ghost sightings, including a popular one named Michael, a stonemason, and Theodora, a former cancer patient.
However, the most haunted regions in the hotel are rooms 218, 419 and 3500. A ghost of a nurse named Theodora throws the suitcases of the guests she dislikes.
The room 218 is the most notorious where an Irish stonemason named Michael, who fell to his death during the construction, harasses female guests.
If this is exactly your cup of tea, make a reservation. No need to wait for the ghosts in your room, there are nightly ghost tours throughout the hotel.
So would you stay in any of these rooms? It might be worth it, even if it scares the Dickens out of you! Which of these most haunted hotels would you dare to stay for a night or two?