Win $20,000 By Surviving This Haunted House

mckamey manor haunted house

The McKamey Manor, a haunted house located in an undisclosed neighborhood in the USA is a kind of extreme attraction, or what you might call a horror survival course.

If you are brave enough to actually get through the required hours of it you will be handed $20,000. Damn attractive, isn’t it?

There’s a long list of thousands of people in the U.S. in the queue waiting to experience this haunted house, but we can assure you, most of those that do get the full experience regret it.

In fact, this haunted house experience can get much worse than that. So you all must be thinking the same. What’s so difficult about it?

How to Participate in the Haunted House?

The experience is no joke. First, you must be 21 years old or at least 18 if you have your parent’s approval. You also have to sign a 40-page waiver.

You’ll need a doctor’s letter saying you are in good physical and mental shape and you’ll be screened first. If you don’t have any medical insurance, forget about it.

Here are two very important clauses in that 40-page waiver: Clause 20: “Participant agrees there is no quitting unless serious physical or psychological injury is present.

”Clause 25: “Participant fully understands that at many times they will be in a panic state of anxiety, in which they feel that they will drown and they may die.

Also remember, there’s no ‘Get Out’ clause once you’re inside the haunted house after signing the waiver.

That’s why it’s called a “Survival Horror Challenge”. So, has anyone ever completed the experience?

But would you really want to get in, that’s the question.

The Dark Truth

McKamey Manor

The McKamey Manor is called a haunted house, but regarding horror, it’s less about ghosts than it is about torture.

In simple language, it’s closer to the “Saw” franchise than it is to “Paranormal Activity.” Basically, it’s a torture chamber.

The tour of the house lasts eight to ten hours. You would be surrounded by seemingly angry, vengeful men, who want to terrorize the life out of you.

These guys have practiced the art of physical and mental torture, bad enough to make you want to quit.

Some say the Manor can cause lasting psychological damage and they state that those who do the terrifying things are sick and sadistic human beings.

Just watch the videos of people going through the experience and you can watch them crumble, uttering words with a shaky voice, “I can’t do it anymore. I’m done”

There are other extreme haunted house experiences out there in the U.S., but this one has one major difference in that you don’t have a “safe word” so you can just drop out.

Why would anyone do this, you might be wondering, besides trying to get that 20,000 bucks?

How Long Would You Last?

McKamey Manor

As soon as you enter Mckamey Manor you might first get kidnapped and realize that the guys inside the haunted house aren’t messing around. You will find your hands are bound together.

It’s pitch black, but every 10 seconds or so a flash of light reveals the masked faces of men. They drag you into a corner. You can hear the petrified screams of your friend through the wall.

You’ve never heard your friend sound like that before. What have they done to him? Another flash of light reveals cockroaches scurrying all around you.

Suddenly a mirror is held up to your face. When those lights flash you see one of the guys shaving your head. In another flash, a big tarantula is crawling over your shoulder.

The masked men then grab you and take you to another room where they push your head into freezing cold water. You plead for them to stop, but you’ve signed up for this, and there’s no ‘get-out’ clause.

They start with things that will psychologically stress you, but then escalate it until you are absolutely broken.

You might have been covered in insects, stomped on, dragged around like a doll, or held under dirty water, but they only get to stop when their torturers think they’ve had enough.

People absolutely do get broken. They might not break your arm, but they will certainly stress your body in ways that are uncomfortable for you.

In fact, around 25,000 people are waiting in line to see how long they can last in this house of horrors.

But the truth is no one, and we mean no one, has ever gone the full eight hours or ten hours.

Awful But Lawful

The guy behind the haunted house is Russ McKamey who owns the manor. For McKamey it’s theater, an extreme kind of theater. He’s ex-Navy and has studied theater, so he knows what he’s doing.

He’s said that while he will take people to the edges of their fear and sanity, he records everything on tape and nothing they have done at the house has broken laws. It’s awful but lawful.

Some people disagree with him, saying that he must be a sadistic psychopath to do what he does. People have even protested outside his gates, so he has had to change locations at times.

McKamey says no one suffers any bad injuries and it’s all one big show, otherwise, the place would have been closed down a long time ago.

It’s not your regular haunted house, but the haunted house that would haunt you psychologically forever.

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