We all have a taste for the supernatural, good stories, folklore, legends, cursed, haunted objects, and everything. But what if there were something sinister to it?
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What if the tale is about something tangible, something that’s not a figment of an imagination or an old lore? What if the tale I’m going to narrate is about something deadly, a cursed/haunted artifact that should be avoided at all costs?
While it might be logical for many of us to simply dismiss these stories as the work of superstition, the verified facts surrounding some of these objects are way too compelling to deny that something more sinister might be at play.
Well, you would probably want to know more about these objects, so we’re going to deliver to you the facts of the Top 10 most cursed and haunted objects in the world.
10. Hope Diamond

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The 45.5-carat Hope Diamond was formed in the earth 1.1 billion years ago and is regarded as the most famous diamond in the world.
Since its discovery, this famously cursed diamond has been owned by several notable people including a few kings. The diamond is believed to be plagued with a curse that causes great misfortune to anyone who possesses it.
Each owner of this diamond has suffered disgrace, divorce, suicide, imprisonment, torture, and financial ruin. It currently resides in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC where it’s observable by the public.
The diamond is never loaned out for any reason given its value of almost 250 million dollars and also so that it can never harm another living person.
9. Anna Bakers Wedding Dress

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This tale is about a young girl named Anna Baker, who came from a wealthy family in the mid-1800s and fell in love with a low-class ironworker.
However, they secretly planned a wedding, and Anna even bought a wedding dress, but when her father discovered their intentions, he forbade the wedding.
From that point on she refused to marry anybody else, and spent the rest of her life alone, bitter and angry until she died in 1914.
The wedding dress of Anna Baker has since been put on display in her old bedroom at the old Baker Mansion. It’s often recorded moving by itself, which could be attributed to a draft or something, except for the fact that it’s in an airtight glass case.
Some believe that it’s Anna’s spirit inhabiting the dress, dancing her wedding dance that she never got to have while she was living.
Not a dress that you’d want to donate to Goodwill; I assure you.
8. The Crying Boy Painting

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Created by Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin in the 1950s, The Crying Boy painting quickly became famous, or should I say infamous.
Over the years, the painting became very popular and, thus, mass-produced and was hung in many homes across Britain.
However, many of these homes began catching fire mysteriously without any explanation, with many of them burning to the ground.
But, the most disturbing thing was that in the houses that caught fire, the painting of the crying boy was discovered, and not only that, the paintings were all untouched by the raging flames.
Now, some attribute these fires to pure coincidence, but the undamaged paintings have yet to be explained. Cursed or haunted, but I think the real mystery here is why so many people want these objects, a picture of a crying boy in their homes.
7. Maori Warrior Masks

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Number Nine are the Maori Warrior Masks. The Maori Warriors of New Zealand lived long ago and used to carve out masks and statues before heading into battle.
Maori belief system dictates that any man who died in battle would leave his soul behind in one of the masks.
Oddly, although it seems that the masks pose no threat to men, it was found that over time women who were pregnant that came close to the masks suffered complications or other unfortunate events.
The masks exhibited in a museum in New Zealand today are displayed with a warning that women who are expecting should not come close to the masks for their safety and the safety of their children.
It was never explained why the perceived curse only seems to affect pregnant women, but it’s best not to think of this as simply superstition because it’s simply not worth the risk.
6. Basano Vase

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The Basano Vase was made by an Italian maiden on her wedding night, from carved silver in the 15th century. However, she was murdered that very same night, and her lifeless body was found, clutching the vase.
After her death, the vase took countless lives as it was passed on from family member to family member, with each dying an untimely death, until, eventually, the vase was hidden away.
Unfortunately, in 1988 the vase was discovered again with a strange note that read, “Beware, this vase brings death.”
Thus, the mysterious chain of deaths associated with the diamond continued with each new owner, claiming more and more lives. It was even offered to multiple museums, each refusing to take it because of the perceived curse on it.
Where it remains now is unclear, but it’s believed to be buried in a lead coffin somewhere that is not accessible, at least to the living.
5. Myrtles Plantation Mirror

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We’ve talked about the Myrtles Plantation before as one of the most haunted places in the world, but perhaps one of the the most cursed/haunted objects on the premises is a mirror that was added to the home in 1980.
Legend claims that the mirror contains the spirits of Sara Woodruff and her children, who were poisoned to death on the premises.
Guests of the plantation have reported seeing figures lurking in the mirror and child-sized hand prints on the glass.
Those who take photographs of the mirror are typically surprised by phantom fingerprints that even after a thorough cleaning and replacement of the glass, remain.
But mirrors have always been the subject of the supernatural and have been known to harbor evil spirits, so feel free to remember that next time you walk by one in the middle of the night.
4. King Tutankhamun’s Tomb

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Egyptian curses are quite fascinating and the curse of King Tut’s tomb is one of the most popular aspects of ancient Egyptian history.
On November 4th, 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter finally came across King Tut’s tomb. A magnificent find for his field but a deadly one for those involved in the expedition.
Within 7 years of the discovery, 11 people connected to Carter’s party died of unnatural causes. The number climbed to 21 by 1935.
Skeptics attribute the unexplained deaths to a fungus, though the inscription on the touch tomb is hard to ignore, “Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the King.”
3. The Anguished Man Painting

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The Anguished Man indeed looks like a painting that would be tied to some deadly curse. An unknown artist depicts what looks to be a man in some extreme discomfort in this aptly titled painting.
But the true story starts with Shawn Robinson who inherited the painting from his deceased grandmother who hid the painting away in the addict for 25 years fearing it to be evil.
Once brought into his home Robinson began to experience dark shadows, disembodied noises, and other acts of paranormal that drove away his wife as she refused to stay in the same home as the painting.
Some paranormal groups in the UK investigated the painting and eventually found that the man who painted the anguished man took his life shortly after painting it. They also found that he mixed his blood into the paint while he was painting it.
2. Busby’s Stoop Chair

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This notorious chair once belonged to convicted murderer Thomas Busby. Before he was hanged for his crimes, his final request was to have a meal, sitting in his favorite chair, at his favorite local pub.
However, upon finishing his meal he stood and proclaimed, “May sudden death come to anyone who dares sit in my chair.”
Since then, a supposed 63 people who have sat in the chair met their untimely deaths, sometimes, mere moments after sitting in it.
During World War II, airmen would challenge each other to sit in the chair and every single one that did was shot down the next day.
The chair also consumed a pair of Royal Air Force pilots, a pair of bricklayers, a delivery man who fell into a giant hole after sitting in the chair, a roofer falling from a roof shortly after defying the chair’s curse, and one cleaning lady sat in it only to have a heart failure instantly.
When the number of deaths became too coincidental, the pub owner donated the chair to the Thirsk Museum in the UK in 1972.
The chair is still there today and it’s hung one point five meters off of the ground to put an end to the tolling death count.
1. The Dybbuk Box

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In 2001, a man named Kevin Mannis purchased a portable wine cabinet at an estate sale and immediately started having ghastly nightmares as did the people around him.
He passed the cabinet to his mother who had a stroke the very same day she received it. He then decided to put in an eBay auction to get rid of it.
Each owner since then has reported dreadful events upon coming into possession of the cabinet. Its last owner developed a strange skin disease among other medical conditions.
The origins of the box were traced back to a Holocaust survivor and is believed to be possessed by a Dybbuk, an evil spirit in Jewish mythology.
Those who open the box are said to be met with great misfortune and poor health, as the malevolent spirit inside weakens them for possession.
Upon learning this, the owner, with the help of local Rabbis decided to hide the box from the rest of the world, so that it couldn’t do any further damage.
But, its legend lives on, and was the inspiration for the 2012 movie, “The Possession.” Truly one of the most haunted/cursed objects in the list.
So which of these cursed or haunted objects would you try to put your hands on? Comment below.