Sleepovers are the best part of growing up with your friends where you watch movies, eat junk food, stay up late, and the best part, telling scary stories in a bid to scare each other during a sleepover.
It’s difficult to find genuinely scary sleepover stories and these 10 true sleepover stories compiled from Reddit will surely give you nightmares.
10. Ouija Board
This one comes from Reddit user Khrull. He said this one was told to her by his Mum. When she was a teenager, she slept over at a friends house – they were up playing games while the parents watched TV.
She and her friends were on the floor playing a board game – it was an Ouija board. She didn’t know what it was though when they started asking the board questions. They ended up finding out there was a spirit in the house.
They asked it to show itself. Nothing happens. They demand that the spirit show itself. This time, all the lights in the house went out. The TV, lamps, everything blinked off – a second later they came on again. They asked the Ouija board – Who are you?
The piece moved around the board in big circles and began to spell out letters – D E V I L. This can’t be real, they thought. They asked the Devil to show itself. After a few moments – the TV goes out.
In the reflection of the TV sitting in the living room next to them was the shape of a dark entity, sitting right next to them. The house went cold, so cold. They stopped the game immediately and never looked back.
9. The Mirror

Moving on to the rest of the scary sleepover stories, this one comes from Chemical Robot. He says that one night he and his little brother slept in his sister’s room on her floor.
When they woke up the next morning, the mirror from her bedroom wall had been taken off the wall and was now between him and his brother. He woke up staring at his reflection.
Can you imagine how unnerving that would be? Nobody in the house knew how it happened or even how someone could do that without one of them waking up.
He said he still gets chills when he thinks about the stuff he, his friends, and his family saw in that house. This includes the ghost of an old man that was seen 3 times in his bedroom, once by himself. Perhaps he was the one who moved the mirror.
8. Beep
This one comes from Reddit user Jenna Dorazio. She said that she was watching her friend’s house while she and her family were on vacation. Her elderly grandma lived in the house too. She stayed up reading scary stories and watching TV late so she decided to just sleepover.
She called her boyfriend at the time to talk before bed from the house phone. During the call, a beep sound would happen every so often. It sounded like someone was on another phone in the house and pressing a button.
She kept asking her boyfriend if he heard the beep. He didn’t. Then, another call came through and she clicked over and the voice on the other end said the word ‘beep’ and hung up. She freaked out.
She called her Dad who lived up the road to come and stay the night because she feared for her life. To this day, she said it was the creepiest thing ever.
7. Slenderman

In January 2018, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were sentenced for stabbing a classmate 19 times first-degree, in their account, to appease Slenderman. Fortunately, the classmate survived.
She was lured out into the woods during a sleepover. All 3 girls were 12 at the time. That’s when Morgan and Anissa attacked the victim. They believed that if they did not do this, Slenderman would kill their families.
Both girls were charged as adults with 1st-degree attempted murder but found not responsible for their actions due to mental illness.
The county circuit judge said institutional care was required because Morgan presented a risk and needed intensive monitoring. She broke down in tears in court saying – I never meant for it to happen. Well, some sleepover stories aren’t just scary but harrowingly real.
6. The Pills
Winterminute Rising said that as a girl she was at a sleepover at the boy’s house – they stayed up watching videos and then she went to sleep on the couch. Late at night, she was woken up by the sound of his Dad slamming into the wall.
He started screaming for his wife to bring him his pills. He screamed louder and louder. She squeezed her eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. Before long he was screaming right in front of the couch. She still didn’t react.
He grabbed her by the hair, wrenched her head back, and put a gun to her face. His eyes were crazed. He screamed for his pills again. All of a sudden he stopped and muttered – I thought you were my wife.
He then stumbled off to another part of the house, gun in hand. She said that she and the guy’s mother had a similar shade and length of hair. She never mentioned it and slept at the guy’s house again.
5. The Drums

This one comes from user Darksecret2277. He said when he was 7 his best friend Tony came for a sleepover. Around midnight he pulled out the sofa and they watched some TV.
At one point, he looked out into his yard which was bathed in moonlight. To his horror, he saw a figure standing outside. It was human-like and orange.
The figure started walking towards him. His heart was beating fast. He tried blinking but it was still there. As it got closer, he could see its features more clearly. It had no face and its body was slightly see-through.
He quickly closed the curtains. His hands were sweating and shaking. He opened the curtains and the creature was gone. He thought it might have been the reflection of the TV, but what he saw didn’t add up to that.
3. The Knife

This one comes from Reddit user Apotts27. She said when she was about 13 – her parents went camping along with her aunt and uncle. She wasn’t a big fan of camping though and so was allowed to stay at home with her cousin.
They had some friends over too – Whitney, Mary, and Monique. They did the typical sleepover stuff, ate junk food, watched movies, gossiped about boys – that sort of thing. For some reason, they thought it would be a good idea to have a seance.
They set up in her cousin’s bedroom at the front of the house and began. Her cousin and 2 of her friends began to scare the third friend, Monique. They laughed it off though. A while later, they had forgotten about the scary game and continued joking around.
She fell asleep that night and was awoken by the sound of the other 4 girls screaming. She jumped out of bed and the girls said Whitney was acting strange. They said she was making unearthly sounds and wielding a knife.
All friends scrambled to the front door which was Martinas bedroom and then rushed out of the door and into the light of sunrise. They ran down the street with Whitney chasing them, slashing the knife in the air. Eventually, they ducked into a post office and lay flat on the floor.
They could hear Whitney calling out to them as she stepped on the gravel road outside. Eventually, she left them alone and the girls were able to get help. To this day, they still believe Whitney was affected by their little seance session.
2. The Boy

Kan6101 said that as a kid, she moved to the town of Gilbert Arizona when it was quickly becoming a city. Her house used to just be farmland.
She was the oldest of 7 kids so the house was always noisy, at night though – it seemed to creak – even though it was new. One night, her sister had friends over for a sleepover. The conversation quickly turned to ghost stories in their bedroom.
They were mainly just joking around but then, they heard something outside their room. Her sister and her friends were a year younger, so it was on her to go and check. She crept down the hallway which opened up to the stairway.
She looked down into the living room. The lights had been turned on. Strange. As she went down the steps, she noticed the back door was open and someone had walked mud into the house. She froze, and her heart began beating fast.
The mud tracks zig-zagged all over the floor and seemed to stop right near her. She ran back to get the others and when they returned – the scene looked the same except for one difference. There, standing by the back door, was a small boy.
He was wearing nothing but overalls, covered in mud, and was giving them a sad look. Then he was gone, vanished into thin air. Then, the door slowly closed.
They silently screamed back to the room, convinced they had seen the ghost of the farmer’s son whose land the house was built on. It was a hot summer in Arizona, and there was no rain to make mud. Well, sleepover stories are scary as hell.
1. The Shadow

This one was told by Starlight dreams. She said that one night as a kid, she had a sleepover where they set up in the living room. Immediately, she felt like they were being watched.
They went to one of their girl’s houses to get some stuff, it was very dark and she lived far away. They felt like something was following them – but it always ended up being just a car.
As they approached their friends house – they heard a scream – a banshee like scream that pierced the air. At the roadside, they saw a shadow run into the forest.
They grabbed their friend’s stuff and began walking quickly back to the house – now they felt like someone was following them. When they got back, they tried to forget about it and just have some pizza and watch TV.
Suddenly the lights went out and they all started screaming. Everyone fell on the bed as a shadow entered the kitchen. One of them tried to grab the flashlight but before she could, the shadow disappeared.
They kept seeing it as they tried to get to sleep, dancing around the room – in the end, they all fell asleep watching it as a calm feeling washed over them, almost as if it was casting a spell over them.
So which of these scary sleepover stories gave you literal goosebumps? Comment below.