Over the years, Clinton Road, the scariest road in America, has not only been a location for sinister real-life crimes and a gathering spot for cults and rituals but has spooked the locals and visitors for decades for its legends, mysterious sightings and local folklore.
Since highways are essential in many ways to our existence we spend countless hours traveling roads as if they were the arteries of modern civilization.
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It’s inevitable that stories of the paranormal also circulate these same streets, witnessing numerous accidents, dark events, and unexplainable happenings, creating legends of the most haunted highways in North America.
This notoriously creepy 10-mile or 16-kilometer stretch of road in New Jersey has more than its fair share of ghost stories and strange goings on. So many in fact that the road has turned into a haunt for vloggers to test their nerves against these urban legends.
Being isolated and sparsely populated it makes you wonder if the road exists solely to serve up creeps. Here are 6 legends and folklore from the Clinton Road, the scariest road in America.
6. Cross Castle

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One of the more historic locations you can come across when venturing down Clinton Road is the ruins of Cross Castle. This creepy structure was built by Richard J. Cross in 1905.
Unfortunately, some years later a fire lay waste to the castle and it has remained in a state of ruin ever since. Because of this, the Cross Castle has become a curiosity for thrill seekers and urban explorers to investigate.
The sinister part of this is that these visitors have often gone on to tell about strange occurrences happening in and around the walls of Cross Castle.
Including people going into seizures, having disturbing visions and hallucinations and even finding bruises all over their bodies upon returning home.
The fuel for such stories may be supposed nefarious goings-on, such as Devil worship and a witch’s coven.
5. Ghost Truck

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There’s a story of ghostly trucks that appear on the road in the middle of the night, as well as phantom headlights seemingly unattached to any vehicle that chase drivers to the end of the road, only to disappear.
A mysterious truck seems to appear directly behind people as they drive down Clinton Road at night. This terrifying story has happened to many who have taken a night-time drive down this stretch of highway.
The truck appears to come from nowhere. One moment there’s nobody behind you, and the next moment there are headlights in your rear-view mirror.
It drives erratically, tailgates, and tries to force you off the road. The truck then disappears once more. In another story, out of nowhere the Phantom headlights seemingly unattached to a vehicle will come directly at you out of nowhere.
The phantom headlights blind the driver in front and the truck picks up speed in an attempt to cause an accident by running the startled motorist off the road in the blink of an eye.
4. Jungle Habitat

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If this wasn’t enough a whole myriad of creatures and cryptids are thought to be present in the vicinity of the road, reports of which may have origins in the closure in 1976 of a nearby attraction named Jungle Habitat.
Accounts of strange and horrifying creatures that supposedly patrol the woods surrounding this haunted road. Monkey-like creatures, giant wolves, and unidentified beings have all been spotted in these woods at night.
Locals say these creatures are said to have originated from a zoological attraction called Jungle habitat which closed back in 1976.
The animals of this closed attraction escaped into the woods and crossbred, evolving into horrifying hybrids over the years. One thing’s for sure, it’s probably not a good idea to take a trip down Clinton Road at night.
3. Druidic Temple
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Druids have also been wrapped up in the local legend of Clinton Road, for a conical stone structure nearby has been talked about as the place where they performed ceremonies.
It is believed that a horrible end might lie in wait for anyone who dares disturb their rituals, or terrible things would happen to those unlucky enough to stumble across this temple at the wrong time.
The structure is actually the remains of an iron smelter from 1826 and is currently fenced off by the Newark department to prevent any illegal entrance.
So trespassers are more likely to befall a terrible accident than witness sorcery.
2. The Ghost Boy Bridge
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One of the most well-known tales is that of a boy who lost his life in a road accident on a bridge over Clinton Brooke when attempting to pick up a quarter he had seen on the ground.
But don’t worry, he’s pretty nice and helpful. It is said that if you throw a coin into the river at midnight, it will be returned to you by the ghost boy.

An alternative version tells that if you look over the side of the bridge the ghost will push you into the water in an attempt to save your life.
Known as the ghost boy of a dead man’s curve, who knows if this sad tale has any grain of truth, but the Internet has given it lasting infamy.
1. The Iceman
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Clinton Road has also gained a gruesome reputation for being talked about as a location where killers dispose of bodies in the surrounding woods.
Richard Kuklinski, also known as the Iceman, would kill his victims and then freeze their corpses so that he could cover up the time of death to complicate any potential investigation.
He was given the nickname, Iceman, by authorities when one of his victims was discarded in the woods surrounding Clinton Road.
Discovered in 1983, ice crystals were discovered in blood vessels near his heart, and his internal organs had decayed at a slower rate than his skin to try and mislead investigators.
Think twice before stopping at Clinton Road. You can see why Clinton Road gained a reputation as the scariest road in America.