
weird funerals

10 Weird Funerals, Customs & Rituals Across The World

From weird funerals to unconventional burial practices, you’ll be perplexed to see the degree of strange customs and rituals that people honor the departed. Here are 10 of the creepiest funerals and customs worldwide, as we delve into the weird and unusual ways different cultures bid farewell to their loved ones. 10. Famadihana (Dancing with

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leonarda cianciulli

Leonarda Cianciulli – The Human Soap Maker of Correggio

Leonarda Cianciulli, also known as the Soap-Maker of Correggio, has certainly worked her way into the serial killer hall of infamy just for her deranged originality. Imagine this: One day your neighbor, a loving mother and good friend, invites you for cake and coffee. You accept the offer and are greeted with some sweet-tasting cakes.

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